English Model Paper with copy Solutions – अंग्रेजी का 4 मार्च मॉडल पेपर और कॉपी में उसे कैसे हल करें? 2 March UP Board Exam Copy and Paper

English Model Paper with copy Solutions – अंग्रेजी का 2 मार्च मॉडल पेपर और कॉपी में उसे कैसे हल करें? 4 March UP Board Exam Copy and Paper 2024

English Model Paper with copy Solutions - अंग्रेजी का 2 मार्च मॉडल पेपर और कॉपी में उसे कैसे हल करें? 4 March UP Board Exam Copy and Paper 2024

Here we are providing you a model paper of Class 12 English and its solution on copy. We hope that this will help you in writing copy in board exam 2nd March. The typist will not be held responsible for any typing error.

यहाँ पर आपको हम कक्षा 12 अंग्रेजी का एक मॉडल पेपर और उसका कॉपी पर सलूशन प्रदान कर रहे हैं। उम्मीद करते हैं कि आपको इससे बोर्ड परीक्षा 2 मार्च में कॉपी लिखने में सहायता मिलेगी। 

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English Model Paper 2024 PDF


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Time: Three Hours 15 Minutes                                                                 Max. Marks: 100

Note: First 15 minutes are allotted to the candidates for reading the question paper.


(i) This question paper is divided into four Sections A, B, C and D.

(ii) All questions from all the sections are compulsory.

(iii) Marks are indicated against each question.




  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

It is only under adverse circumstances that the real man is discovered. A man of character, of noble intentions, of strong and sturdy physique and virtues of selfless service to others, proves his worth even in times of adversity. He faces the adversity with his strong will and determination. If he has a will to do a thing, nothing can stand in his way. He can conquer all obstacles to achieve his mission, since his objective is noble and worthy. In the days of prosperity and pleasure, we sleep and enjoy and know not what we are. But in adversity, the inner man wakes up and we come to know our real strength and weakness.

(a)    What is the real man discovered?                                                                                              3

(b)   What kind of a man proves his worth even in adversity?                                                 3

(c)    Who can conquer his mission?                                                                                                     3

(d)  Explain in your own words the underlined portion in the passage.                              3

(e) (i) Which word in the passage is the opposite of ‘selfish’?                                    3 x 1=3

(ii) Which word in the passage means ‘misery’?

(iii) What does the word ‘ obstacle’ mean in the passage?




  1. Write an article on any one of the following topics in about 100-150 words:

(a) The Problem of Rising-Prices

(b) The Curse of Dovry

(c) Place of Mother in society.

  1. Write an application to the principal of your college requesting him to organise ‘Annual Sports’ in time.                                                                                            10


Write a letter to the District-Magistrate complaining about frequent long time breakdown of power supply in your locality.                                                                           10

  1.  Choose a correct option to answer the following questions:                                   5 x 2 = 10

(a)      Mohan is more taller than Ram.

Which word in this sentence is an error?

(i) than                                                                 (ii) is

(iii) taller                                                            (iv) more

(b)     ‘Always speak a truth.’

Which word in this sentence is an error?

(i) always                                                           (ii) speak

(iii) a                                                                     (iv)truth

(c) A Fool’s Paradise:

(i) to live in heaven

(ii) to be in the world of fools

(iii) to live in a state of enjoyment based on false beliefs of hopes                                          (iv) to live with fools

(d) The synonym of ‘Bane’ is:

(i) Banish                                                            (ii) Banner

(iii) Curse                                                           (iv) Ban

(e) The antonym of ‘Virtue’ is:

(i) fraud                                                               (ii) vice

(iii) crime                                                           (iv) wickedness


  1. (a) Change any one of the following into indirect speech: 2

(i) He will say, ” The student was lazy.”

(ii) Mahesh said to Reeta, “What are you doing here?

(b) Combine any one of the following as directed:                                                                      2

(i) When does the train arrive? Do not know the time.

(Complex sentence)

(ii) He was so tired. He could not run.

(into a complex sentence)

(c) Transform any one of the following as directed:                                                                 2

(i) They will close all the shops.                                                                  (Active voice)

(ii) Poverty is really curse.                                                         (exclamatory sentence)


(d) Correct any one of the following sentences:                                                                           2

(i) He could not secure passing marks.

(ii) if he will come, I shall teach him.

(e) Use any one of the following pairs of words in your sentences to make their

meanings clear:                                                                                                                                    2

(i) Break – Brake

(ii) Difference – deference


  1. Translate the following passage into English: 5

खुशहाल जीवन के लिए मानसिक रूप से स्वस्थ होना बहुत जरूरी है और इसी से होता है एक अच्छे और सफल व्यक्तित्व का निर्माण। बदले दौर में नशे की लत, गैजेट्स (gadgets) का अधिक प्रयोग और जीवनशैली का प्रभाव, युवाओं का मानसिक स्वास्थ्य खराब कर रहा है। इसके कारण फसाद, हताशा और आत्महत्या के मामले तेजी से बढ़ रहे हैं।

  1. Answer the following questions in about 40 words each:                4 + 4 = 8

(a) (i) What did Franz think about the bigeons? Why?


       (ii) What do the inhabitants of Seemapuri do for their survival?

(b) (i) Who was the rattrap seller? how did he make them?


(ii) What thoughts were floating in the mind of Sophie while returning

towards home from the meeting place? What did she feel on the way?

  1. Answer any one of the following in about 80 words: 7

(a) What is the reason that made M. Hamel declare that the lesson which he was      going to teach on that fateful day was to be the last lesson?

(b) How did the incident at the YMCA pool affect Douglas?

  1. Read the following extract carefully and answer the questions that follow: 3×2=6

I looked again at her, wan pale,

And such too is the grandeur of the dooms

We have imagined for the mighty dead;

All lovely tales that we have heard or read;

An endless fountain of immortal drink,

Pouring unto us from the heaven’s brink.

(a) What do you understand by ‘grandeur’ and ‘doom’?

(b) Who are mighty dead?

(c) What have we heard or read in all lovely tales?

  1. Write the central idea of any one of the following poems: 4

(a) My Mother at Sixty six

(b) Keeping Quiet

(c) A Thing of Beauty

  1. Answer the following questions in about 40 words:      4+4=8

(a) What did Charley find when entered to the third lavel?


What did the astrologer tell about the death of the tiger king?

(b) How is the preaent globe shaped which we know today?


How were the Indian girls there and what did they feel?

  1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 80 words: 7

(a) Do you think that the third level was a medium of escape for Charley? Why?

(b) Who was the tiger king? What were his other name? How was he named as the tiger kings?



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